ttk module --> by myCODEnotein

Importing ttk module from tkinter (required)

All the widgets here require ttk module to be imported. This needs to be done explicitly in the code
from tkinter import ttk
Click the link for : tkinter notes

Combobox in tkinter

Creating the combobox

Combobox = Entry Widget + OptionMenu Widget
myCombo = ttk.Combobox(master,**options)
To set values in myCombo
give keyword argument values
which takes a list/tuple as an argument.
myCombo = ttk.Combobox(master,values=[1,2,3,4])
Combobox in tkinter

Setting/Getting the value of combobox

myCombo.set(value) # sets the value of combobox
myCombo.get() # returns the value of combobox.
Methods of combobox

Virtual Event : Runs whenever user selects value from combobox

If you want to run a function whenever user selects value from combobox then you can bind the combobox with an event (known as virtual event) by the following command.
# example shown below

Progressbar in tkinter

myProgressbar = ttk.Progressbar(master,**options)
**options include: 
  orient : "horizontal" or "vertical"
  length : what is the length (an integer value)
  mode   : "determinate"  or "indeterminate"
        # Just gives different forms of progressbar
  value  : value is an integer less than length
        which determines how 
        much the progressbar is filled.
and many more


myProgessbar = ttk.Progressbar(master
# The image of the following code is below:

Updating the progessbar

Now to move the progressbar you need to change the value of the progressbar by the following code.
myProgressbar["value"] = someIntegerValue 
# someIntegerValue<=length
#For example
myProgressbar["value"] = 50

Notebook widget in tkinter

Syntax of Notebook Widget

myNotebook = ttk.Notebook(master,**options)
# myNotebook.pack/grid/place()

Creating a Notebook Widget Example

from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
root = Tk()

myNotebook = ttk.Notebook(root)

frame1 = Frame(myNotebook,bg="blue")
# Now you need to add this to the myNotebook instance
# Here frame1 can be used as tab_id (explained below)

frame2 = Frame(myNotebook,bg="red")


Add Method of Notebook Widget

'''Add the tab to the Notebook widget
as shown in the above example.'''
**options state, sticky, padding, text, image, compound, underline

Id of a tab in Notebook widget

tab_id with index The tab is given index by tkinter which is similar to that in a list. Hence the first tab which you add is of index = 0 ,second tab if of index=1 and so on. The currently selected tab can be used by a special index "current" .
tab_id with name you can also give the name of widget in place of tab_id. The name of widget is that variable which stores the instance of the widget. So in above example frame1 and frame2 are the names of the widget.
tab_id at x,y coordinate You can specify x,y coordinate of the tab_button in the format: "@x,y" You can use this while using events where the event argument (which tkinter passes) to the function holds the value of x,y coordinate of the mouse at which the event occurred which you can access by event.x , event.y and use that as tab_id
tab_id of currently selected tab The currently selected tab is given a special index of "current"
tab_id = "end" The "end" can be used as tab_id only in the case of index/insert method. It returns the total number of tabs.

Changing tab's **options

# To change tab's **options you can do , **options)
# For example,text="Changed Tab Text")"current",text="This is current tab")
Changing **options of the tab
If you run this method without the **options then tkinter will return you a dictionary which contains options of the tab (at given index) along with their current value.
Tab method in Notebook widget without **options
#You can also pass the key whose value you need by the following command:,"text") # returns the value of text

Removing a tab

# Removes the tab .
Forget Method In Notebook widget

Hiding a tab button

Hides the given tab button.
Note: that the widget is not
removed and is still handled by
Notebook widget.
The only thing is that the button
is hidden.
Hiding tab in notebook widget
To restore the button you can use add method again.
Restoring the hidden tab

Index Method Of Notebook Widget

# Returns the numeric index of the tab specified by tab_id
# Returns the total number of tabs if tab_id is the string "end".

Insert Method Of Notebook Widget

myNotebook.insert(pos, tab, **options)
Inserts a pane at the specified position.
pos is either the string: "end", an integer index, or the name of a new tab.
If tab is already managed by the notebook, moves it to the specified position.
Insert method of notebook widget Shifting tab with insert method

Select Method Of Notebook Widget

# To select a tab within the code and display it you can do
''' If tab_id is not given then the method returns the widget name of the currently selected pane '''
Select method in notebook widget

Getting all the tabs

# returns all the tabs
Tabs method of notebook widget

Virtual Event : Which runs whenever user changes any tab

# You can bind the widget with the event:

Styling ttk Widgets

To style any widget you need to create an instance of the Style class of ttk module.
myStyle = ttk.Style()
'''Now to style a ttk widget you need to get the name
of the class of that widget , which you can do by calling'''
Getting Class Name
Usually the class name is : "T{NameOfWidget}" as shown above.