Tkinter --> by myCODEnotein

Importing tkinter and Starter Template

Importing Tkinter

from tkinter import *

Importing ttk

For new tkinter widgets you need to import ttk by the following command
from tkinter import ttk
# Click the link for : ttk notes

Starter Template

Get Full Version Of Starter Template at: This Link
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()

Methods Of Tk Class / Configuring root

Setting Up Root Title

root.title("title of gui window")

Getting ScreenWidth and ScreenHeight

root.winfo_screenwidth() # returns screen width
root.winfo_screenheight() # returns screen height

Setting Up root geometry

# Optional 
#For Example
1. root.geometry("1100x500+100+5") # Opens window at (100,5)
2. root.geometry("1100x500-29+5") # Opens window at (-29,5)
3. root.geometry(f'{root.winfo_screenwidth()}x{root.winfo_screenheight()}')

Making The window transparent

# value lies between 0 and 1
# 0 is fully transparent and 1 is fully visible

Making the window remain at top of all windows

root.attributes("-topmost",value) # value=1 or value=0
value=1 signifies that window must be at the top of other windows always

value=2 signifies that window may or may not be at the top of other windows always

Making the GUI full screen

root.attributes("-fullscreen",value) # value=0 or value>0
value=0 signifies that window is not in full screen mode

value=1 signifies that window is in full screen mode

To know more attribute of root

# You can run
# returns the attributes of the root window.

To minimize the window through code

root.iconify() # Minimizes the window
# Pops up the window at the top
# If window is minimized then displays the window

To destroy the window/gui


To remove the title bar of the window


To call a function when user press the cross on title bar

root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW",  function)
# this function is called when a user is exitting the window.
# Note: This will override the default exit option and then you can to call root.destroy() if you want to destroy the window

Widgets in Tkinter

myFrame = Frame(master,**options)
myLabel = Label(master,**options)
myButton = Button(master,**options)
myMenu = Menu(master,**option)
myEntry = Entry(master,**options)
myText = Text(master,**options)
myCanvas = Canvas(master,**options)
myScrollbar = Scrollbar(master,**options)
# To know **options , you can run:
Widget.keys() # returns all the **options

Note that:

width and height options as characters while Frame , canvas like widgets treat it as pixels
Basically , among text and frame of width 100 ,text appears to be of larger width than frame. Same with height.

Some Common Widget Options

bg or background - sets the background color
fg or foreground - sets the foreground color
# you can't use bg or fg option in .config method
# there you need to give background/foreground for your purpose.
font - sets the font # syntax: 1.either a tuple: (font_family,font_size,"bold"/"italic") 2. or a string : "font_family,font_size,bold/italic" # you can also set any one property if you want
Some font families: helvetica , consolas
# for example
font="consolas 18 bold"
# (or)
width,height # takes integer values cursor - specifies the cursor when arrow is on the widgets. You can find cursor values at This Link

Grid , Pack and Config methods


# syntax
# To know **options you can run


# syntax
# To know **options , you can run:

Note that:

Pack and grid cannot be used together. Basically , widgets sharing same parent/master can either use pack or grid.

.config Method in tkinter

Used to change/add an option later in the code for a widget.
In this method , to set background color , instead of bg option
background option must be used.
Same with foreground color.
Before using config method example After using config method example

tkraise method in tkinter (related to grid)

When this method is used

Suppose a widget is having same row and column as another widget gridded under same parent. Then tkinter will (by default) show the widget which is gridded later in the code.
Hence , this method is used when two widgets with same row and same column are gridded and one needs to be raised to bring forwards/upwards



Events in tkinter

Get a button which changes its properties on hover at This Link
# syntax

# Note that tkinter passes an argument e to the function when the event occurs.

The Function is something like

def function(event):
	# print(dir(event)) to know the properties of the event
	# your code here

Use Of Lambda Function

To give argument to the function you can use lambda function.
# For example:
widget.bind("<event>",func=lambda event:function(arguments))

# Note that in this case event argument is passed to lambda function.
# (which is necessay)
# You can pass that event to the function as well

Returning break (related to keypress events and more)

Suppose,you want to bind your text widget
with an event "Control-a".
You bind it , but along with your function
tkinter also selects the whole text in the widget
,which is its default function. 
Now you want that this thing does not happen
so for this you need to see the solution
You need to return: "break"
in your function which you hade binded with
the control-a event.
def myFunction(event):
	# your code
	return "break"

# This code will just prevent tkinter from selecting the whole text in text widget.
You can also do the same with other events .

Some properties of event argument which tkinter passes to the function

# you can simply run: print(dir(event)) in the function to know all properties.
Property: The delta refers to the direction and magnitude where the mouse wheel was rotated.Note the value is not a screen distance but are units of motion in the mouse wheel.Typically these values are multiples of 120. For example, 120 should scroll the text widget up 4 lines and -240 would scroll the text widget down 8 lines.
# To scroll any scrollable widget within code you can do
Shift the y-view according to number.
what = "units" or "pages"
# for example
myText.yview_scroll(10,'units') # scrolls pages 10 units

Mouse events

# Mouse enters any widget (mouse hover)
# Mouse leaves any widget (mouse leave)

Mouse Click Events

# Left clicked on a widget
# Middle clicked on a widget (now a days mouse does not have middle button)
# Right clicked on a widget

Keyboard events

# Used pressed a key
# User released the key

Binding two or more key presses

You can also bind keypresses like ctrl+c,ctrl+d,shift+enter..etc
#for example:
"<Control-Key-1>" # event : ctrl+1
"<Control-1>" # event : ctrl + left click
"<Alt-a>" # event : alt + a
"<Shift-a>" # event : shift + a
Note that you can write any number/key infront of control,shift,...etc
But while using numbers , if you want to use number 1 for example
then you need to do "{Whateverkey}-Key-1".
Directly writing 1 without key makes tkinter think that you want mouseclick event with {Whateverkey} event.
This thing is also explained in a great stackoverflow article At this link

Some more events

"<FocusIn>"  - when a widget gets focus 
"<FocusOut>"  - when a widget loses focus 
"<<ComboboxSelected>>" - when Combobox is Selected
"<<NotebookTabChanged>>" - when tab in notebook widget is changed.
"<Return>" -  user pressed enter on a widget
"<Left>" -  user pressed left key on a widget
"<Right>" -  user pressed right key on a widget
"<Up>" -  user pressed up key on a widget
"<Down>" -  user pressed down key on a widget

To know more events


Generating an event in tkinter

# If you want to generate an event in tkinter 
# syntax:
you want that left key press event occurs on entry widget
then you can do that by the following code

Menu Widget in Tkinter

Creating menu widget instance with options

myMenu = Menu(root,tearoff=0)

Adding the Menu to the Main Window


Add Cascade Function Of menu widget

myMenu.add_cascade(label="Name of menu",menu=menuObject)
Adds another Menu instance to the myMenu instance as shown in img below.
add_cascade image

Add Command Function of menu widget

# Let us give commands to file menu shown in the image
This function is used to create options in vertical direction in menu. (In this case) If user clicks the option ,the command 'exit' will be executed.
Add Command function example

What happens when you use add_command with myMenu and not with child menu

add_command with myMenu example

Adding a separator between the menu Options


example: file.add_separator()
add_separator example

Listbox in tkinter

You can give scrollbar to listbox
myListbox = Listbox(master,**options)
list box example

Inserting values in listbox

# index = any integer
# value = text

What will happen if you insert value at the index which already consists a value

Listbox Methods


Text widget in tkinter

Creating the text widget instance

myText = Text(master,**options)
# Note: frame of width 100 is smaller than text of width 100. Similar with height

Insertontime and insertofftime options

#time for which insertion cursor is on the screen 
myText.config(insertontime=num) # default num=300
#time for which insertion cursor is not on the screen 
myText.config(insertofftime=num) # default num=600

Indexing in text widget - tkinter

# basic indexing
index: '{lineNumber}.{columnNumber}'
# End index of a line
# Index of insertion cursor
index: 'insert'
# Index of selected text
index: 'sel.first' # for first index
index: 'sel.last' # for last index
# Similarly for any custom tag you can do
index: '{tag}.first' # for first index
index: '{tag}.last' # for last index
SEl_FIRST and SEL_LAST in tkinter
# Index of line start and line end
index: '{index} linestart'
index: '{index} lineend'
# Index of word start and word end
index: '{index} wordstart'
index: '{index} wordend'
# Adding and subtracting to index
index: '{index} +10c' # adds 10 characters to index .
index: '{index} +2l' # adds 2 lines to index .
# you can also subtract and use both of them together if required.
# index method
# for ex: if you want the index of insertion cursor in 'line.col' format
insertIndex = myText.index('insert')
# for comparing two indices,operator,index2)

Common Methods

myText.get(index1,index2) # Returns text from index1 to index2
myText.insert(index,text,*args) # inserts text on index
# In *args you can give tag names and tkinter will put those tags on the inserted text.'string/pattern',startIndex,**kwargs)
# if the string/pattern is found then returns the index of the first character of the string/pattern
# replaces the text between startIndex and endIndex with string.
# In *args you can give tag names and tkinter will put those tags on the inserted text.
myText.delete(startIndex,endIndex) # default endIndex=None
# Delete the characters between startIndex and endIndex (not included).

Tags in tkinter

What are tags? Tags are like classes in tkinter. To changes font,foreground color,background color of a certain portion of text , you can do that with tags.
You can set a tag between two indices and then config tag to changes **kwargs of the region comprising that tag. # There can be multiple tags as well
# tagName can be user defined
# tkinter defined tag: 'sel'
# **opt includes basic text widget options like 
font,background,foreground,selectbackground ... etc
myText.tag_remove(tagName,startIndex,endIndex) # default endIndex=None
# Remove tag "tagName" from all characters between startIndex and endIndex.
# deletes all tagNames 
# all the text portions comprising that tag are made normal

Some more tag methods

myText.tag_names(index) # default index=None
# Return a list of all tag names at that index.
# Returns a list of the following form
list = [start-1 , end-1 , start-2 , end-2 .... start-N,end-N]
this means that tag is applied between (start-1,end-1) , (start-2,end-2) , .... , (start-N,end-N)

Marks in text widget

# What are marks?
marks are like tag with startIndex=endIndex.
They are used to mark a specific index in text widget.
marks are user defined.
# There can be only one mark of one name but you can always change its position
"insert" is also a mark made by tkinter
"insert" is a mark which represents where the character will be placed in text widget when a user presses a key.
myText.index(markName) # returns index of markName
# return all mark names
# returns first mark present after given index
# returns first mark present before given indexmyText.mark_unset(*markNames)
# deletes all mark names

Setting up gravity of mark

# direction='left' or 'right'
# See the below video to understand what happens with this method

A video showing mark_gravity effect

Great Resource for text widget

Scrollbar widget in tkinter

To get scrollbar widget templates (free) click This Link
myScroll = Scrollbar(master,**kwargs)

Required **kwargs

command parameter must be set.
#for ex:
widget.yview # just replace the widget by the widget instance

Settings Required for widget instance

#You also need to define yscrollcommand of the widget

Text Widget With Built In Scrollbar

Importing the widget

from tkinter import scrolledtext as s

Creating the widget

myScrolledText = s.ScrolledText(master,**options)
# creates a widget text widget with scrollbar which is built in.
**options are basic text widgets options like : font,width,height,background etc.

Setting Variable Values In Tkinter Widget

For example: you want to create a label in tkinter which changes its text . You can do that either by .config method described above (or) use variable values in tkinter
Similarly you might create an entry widget and want to get its text. For that you can just set its textvariable keyword argument to the variable and use variable.get() to get the value of the entry.

4 types of variable values which can be set

BooleanVar() # accepts True or False only
StringVar()  # accepts any string value
IntVar()     # accepts any integer value
DoubleVar()  # accepts any floating point value

Syntax of Variable

variable = VariableValue(value=SOME_VALUE)
intVariable = IntVar(value=20)
boolVariable = BooleanVar(value=True)
strVariable = StringVar(value="myCODEnotein is best")
doubleVariable = DoubleVar(value=1.2)

How To Apply to a Widget

you can give widgets like Label,Button a keyword argument : textvariable and set that to variable
# example
Label(master,textvariable = variable)
Button(master,textvariable = variable)
Entry(master,textvariable = variable)
Some widgets like OptionMenu needs to be given a variable as an argument.

Set And Get Method Of VariableValue

# To set/change the value of variable 
# To get the value of variable

Entry Widget In tkinter

myEntry = Entry(master,**options)
Taking one liner input in tkinter.
You can bind the widget with events 
as well.
Entry Widget In Tkinter
# All **options
['background', 'bd', 'bg', 'borderwidth', 'cursor', 'disabledbackground', 'disabledforeground', 'exportselection', 'fg', 'font', 'foreground', 'highlightbackground', 'highlightcolor',
'highlightthickness', 'insertbackground', 'insertborderwidth', 'insertofftime', 'insertontime', 'insertwidth', 'invalidcommand', 'invcmd', 'justify', 'readonlybackground', 'relief', 'selectbackground', 'selectborderwidth', 'selectforeground', 'show', 'state', 'takefocus', 'textvariable', 'validate', 'validatecommand', 'vcmd', 'width', 'xscrollcommand']

Using Entry Widget From ttk module

# from tkinter import ttk
myNewEntry = ttk.Entry(master,**options)
ttk.Entry widget in tkinter
# All **options of ttk.Entry
['exportselection', 'font', 'invalidcommand', 'justify', 'show', 'state', 'textvariable', 'validate', 'validatecommand', 'width', 'xscrollcommand', 'foreground', 'background', 'takefocus', 'cursor', 'style', 'class']

Methods of entry widget

# To insert text of entry widget
# inserts text at index
because entry is one liner
indexing is just like a string.

'end' = end/last index of the entry widget
# To delete text of entry widget
# deletes text from index1 to index2 (index2 not included)

OptionMenu Widget in tkinter

myOptionMenu = OptionMenu(master,variable,value,*values,**options)
# arguments explained in desc section
To create a dropdown box , OptionMenu widget is used.
variable can be StringVar,IntVar,BooleanVar or DoubleVar
value is the inital value of the box
*values are the list/tuple of values in dropdown box
**options include command which execute when user presses a value
# To set default value you can set the variable
OptionMenu Example
You can also use ttk.OptionMenu for an OptionMenu with better design

Other **options

['activebackground', 'activeforeground', 'anchor', 'background', 'bd', 'bg', 'bitmap', 'borderwidth', 'cursor', 'direction', 'disabledforeground', 'fg', 'font', 'foreground', 'height', 'highlightbackground', 'highlightcolor', 'highlightthickness', 'image', 'indicatoron', 'justify', 'menu', 'padx', 'pady', 'relief', 'compound', 'state', 'takefocus', 'text', 'textvariable', 'underline', 'width', 'wraplength']

To get the current value


To set the OptionMenu Value


Using OptionMenu With Command Option

Tkinter passes the selected value to the function/command you have given to the OptionMenu Hence function is something like:
def Command(value): 
	# value = user selected value
	# your code here

LabelFrame widget in tkinter

Creating the widget (with example)

A labelframe widget produces a frame which has label on it as shown in the below image.
myLabelFrame = LabelFrame(master,text='This is myLabelFrame',**options)
# myLabelFrame.pack/grid/place()
LabelFrame widget in tkinter

**options of the widget

['bd', 'borderwidth', 'class', 'fg', 'font', 'foreground', 'labelanchor', 'labelwidget', 'relief', 'text', 'background','bg', 'colormap', 'container', 'cursor', 'height', 'highlightbackground', 'highlightcolor', 'highlightthickness', 'padx','pady', 'takefocus', 'visual', 'width']
labelanchor can be e, en, es, n, ne, nw, s, se, sw, w, wn, or ws
Using labelanchor in labelframe widget tkinter

Message box in tkinter

Importing messagebox from tkinter to use it

from tkinter import messagebox

Various methods:

showinfo , showwarning , showerror , askquestion , askokcancel , askyesno
messagebox.showinfo("title of window","message to show")
# this function simply pops ups a dialog box which shows a message to user (thats it)
messagebox.showwarning("title of window","message to show")
messagebox.showerror("title of window","message to show")
Rest are same . The only difference is in rest functions yes and no (similar types) buttons will appear and some will return True,False,Yes etc.

FileDialog In tkinter

Importing filedialog

# firstly importing filedialog is required
from tkinter import filedialog

Some Methods Of FileDialog

'askdirectory', 'askopenfile', 'askopenfilename', 'askopenfilenames', 'askopenfiles', 'asksaveasfile', 'asksaveasfilename'

Understanding **options for dialogs in filedialog

# Understanding filetypes fileType defines filetypes which can be saved or opened
filetypes = [('PYTHON FILE' , '*.py') , ('ALL FILES','*.*')]
type(filetypes) = list/tuple (always)
type(elements in filetypes) = list/tuple (always)
Element : ("Name Of Type (user defined) ", "Filename.FileExtenison")
To allow user to select any filename
you can replace Filename by *
which tells tkinter to allow any name.

Similarly to allow any file extension
you can replace FileExtenison by *
Other **options include : initialdir : initial dir in which dialog box has to be opened initialfile : the file selected upon opening of the dialog title : title of the dialog window defaultextension : default extension to append to file (save dialogs) multiple : when true, selection of multiple items is allowed Use this if you want multiple folders/files to be selected

Asking for a directory

Method used: askdirectory
# syntax
directory = filedialog.askdirectory(**options)
# directory = directory selected by user
Ask Directory From User

Asking for files with different methods of filedialog

file = filedialog.askopenfile(mode,**options)
# mode = "r" by default
# file = file object opened
Ask open file in tkinter After User selects from askopenfile dialog box

Toplevel Widget In tkinter

myTop = Toplevel()
# creates another window . you can use that window to create custom dialog boxes and any other thing.
# This works same as any normal Tk class instance would.
Toplevel window example

ColorChooser in tkinter

Importing ColorChooser

from tkinter import colorchooser # importing explicitly is required

Asking for color

myChosenColor = colorchooser.askcolor()
# returns chosen color (or) None
# myChosenColor = (rgb value , hex value) 
# (rgb value is in tuple)
Color chooser in tkinter python

Adding a photo/image

Loading the image

myImage = PhotoImage(file="filepath") 
# Note: You need to check for the type of image
# Png images are allowed and rest you need to check.
# There are more ways to use different kind of images.
# One of which can be by using pillow module
Now you can use the image in label,button,and other widgets.
# For example
PhotoImage Example

Use of compound to display both text and image

You can also display text and compound in widgets to display both text and image.
compound can be bottom, center, left, none, right, or top Just specify the compound="any of the above options" in the **options of the widget. For example: setting compound='left' will place the image in left.
PhotoImage With Text On A Button

Some useful methods

Wait Window Method

This method is used by widgets. Whenever this method is called (usually in a function) the code written below it is not processed until the widget (which calls it) is destroyed.
Note: the GUI will still be usable
#Suppose this is your piece of code
from tkinter import *

def AppendText():
    Label(myFrame,text='gui is still usable').pack()

def Destroy():

root = Tk()
root.title("myCODEnotein is the best")

destroy = Button(root,text="Destroy the frame",command=Destroy)

append_text = Button(root,text="Append text to frame",command=AppendText)

myFrame = Frame(root,bg="red")


print("I will be printed after the frame destroyed")

wait_window_example_code wait_window_example_pressing_button
Whenver user destroys the frame the line below it will be executed.